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Dream Squircle

About Us

Dream Squircle GmbH was founded by Jürgen Christl in Essen, Germany in December 2021. While Dream Squircle consists of only one member, we created a team of various international game developers, translators and artists collaborating on various projects and game development services.


In December 2021 Dream Squircle GmbH was founded by Jürgen Christl in Essen, Germany with the goal of developing and selling videogames. In 2023 we released our visual novel ELEGIES: Aya on Steam and Epic Games. Since then we have been collaborating with other game developers and been offering our game development services, which include project management, freelancer recruitment, programming and localizations.


Inhouse Projects:
Contract Work:
  • Card Game Project (NDA) (November 2023 – today): Programming
  • Jock Studio (May 2024 – today): Programming


Our Team

Jürgen Christl

Jürgen Christl

Managing Director


Dream Squircle Logo
Dream Squircle Logo